

Mmmm... fresh, delicious tenders: Forget G-Cloud, this £6.5bn Technology Products and Associated Services framework is where it's at

Will no one think of the SMEs? Oh, actually some have made the grade

The UK's central government is dangling up to £6.5bn under the noses of resellers to supply commodity hardware, software and services across the British public sector for the next four years.

The pan-government Technology Products and Associated Services framework is due to replace the equally imaginatively titled Technology Products 2 from March, though the framework award was announced this week.

Some 22 suppliers made it onto Lot 1: hardware, software and associated services. It went live after midnight on 11 December following a 10-day standstill period that allows for legal challenges from any disgruntled business that believes it should have made the grade.

Successful suppliers per lot      
Lot 1: Hardware, software & associated services (22) Lot 2: Hardware and associated services (38) Lot 3: Software and associated services (29) Lot 4: Information assured products and associated services (11)
ACS Systems UK Limited ACS Systems UK Limited ACS Systems UK Limited Akhter Computers
Akhter Computers Akhter Computers Akhter Computers CDW Ltd
Bechtle Direct Ltd Atos IT Services UK Ltd Atos IT Services UK Ltd Centerprise International Ltd
CDW Ltd Bechtle Direct Ltd Bechtle Direct Ltd Computacenter (UK) Ltd
Centerprise International Ltd Capito Ltd Bytes Software Services Ltd Dell
Computacenter (UK) Ltd CCS Media Ltd CAE Technology Services Ltd Softcat Plc
Daisy Communications Ltd CDW Ltd Capito Ltd Software Box Ltd
Dell Centerprise International Ltd CDW Ltd Specialist Computer Centres
Getech Ltd Cloud Operate Ltd (Trading as Cased Dimensions) Centerprise International Ltd Stone Computers Ltd
Jigsaw Systems Ltd Computacenter (UK) Ltd Circle IT Solutions Ltd Storm Technologies
MTI Technology Ltd Computer England Ltd Computacenter (UK) Ltd XMA Limited
Phoenix Software Daisy Communications Ltd Daisy Communications Ltd  
Planet IT Ltd Dell Dell  
Probrand Ltd Desktop Publishing Microsystems Ltd European Electronique Ltd  
Quadris European Electronique Ltd Getech Ltd  
Softcat Plc Galtec Solutions Ltd Jigsaw Systems Ltd  
Software Box Ltd Getech Ltd MTI Technology Ltd  
SoftwareONE UK Ltd HP Inc UK Ltd PCM Technology Solutions UK Ltd  
Specialist Computer Centres Incredible Computers Ltd Phoenix Software  
Stone Computers Ltd Jigsaw Systems Ltd Planet IT Ltd  
Storm Technologies Kaztech Solutions Probrand Ltd  
XMA Limited Kingsfield Computer Products Quadris  
  MTI Technology Ltd Softcat Plc  
  NVT Group Ltd Software Box Ltd  
  Pacific Computers Ltd SoftwareONE UK Ltd  
  PCM Technology Solutions UK Ltd Specialist Computer Centres  
  Phoenix Software Stone Computers Ltd  
  Probrand Ltd Storm Technologies  
  Planet IT Limited XMA Limited  
  Softcat Plc    
  Software Box Ltd    
  SoftwareONE UK Ltd    
  Specialist Computer Centres    
  Stone Computers Ltd    
  Storm Technologies    
  Trustco Plc    
  XMA Limited    

Lot 3, which covers Software and associated services, also went live yesterday, and is aimed at software resellers that flog commercial and open-source commodity wares, licences and related services. Twenty-nine resellers made it onto this section of the agreement.

Sources close to the framework said Lot 2 – Hardware and associated services – is due to go live next week. This largely comprises end user devices, infrastructure kit, consumables and peripherals and associated services. Thirty-eight resellers will be vying for individuals contracts here – inclusion on the framework is no guarantee of business.

The final lot is for government techies that want to procure security software and appliances; 11 suppliers were chosen by framework organiser Crown Commercial Services to bid for deals here.

Just to put the latest mega framework into context, £5.19bn in total has been spent by central and local government on technology via the G-Cloud framework since it launched in March 2012.

That big UK gov leg up for small biz: SMEs bag just 1-in-10 G-Cloud deals


Many of the usual suspects in the reseller community made it onto the framework, but a couple were noticeable by their absence – looking at you Capita-owned Trustmarque, or indeed Capita itself. The big public sector frameworks always made up a huge chunk of Trustmarque's revenues and we have asked its parent company to comment.

Also missing in action was German giant Cancom.

We have asked Capita and Cancom for an explanation. ®

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