Accelerating software delivery while keeping a close check

Why upgrading and streamling your approach can pay long term business dividends

Webinar Everything seems to happen at least twice the speed that it used to these days, which often leaves organizations with little time to consider how to improve their existing systems.

We live in a world of increasing pressures, often related to regulation, cost and security. But imagine not having to worry about how you deliver your software. To feel so confident that fear of a security breach or a system glitch is nothing more than a distant memory.

Join the Register's Tim Phillips on 14 December at 11am GMT/6m ET/3am PT to hear how upgrading and streamlining your approach to software delivery can help give you that peace of mind. Tim and Martin Reynolds from software delivery experts Harness will take you through the mechanics of how to build fast and ship frequently while upgrading the quality of your software deployments.

You'll learn about the challenges of software delivery and the obstacles which commonly block innovative and positive change. Tim and Martin will go on to offer advice on how to cement quality, efficiency, and governance within your software, and how to make the changes needed without slowing down delivery.

Sign up to access our Increased Velocity with Better Control webinar here and we'll send you a reminder when it's time to watch.

Sponsored by Harness.

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